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Leadership Is Based On Values - Abilities of a Bigger Leader

 Leadership Is Based On Values - Abilities of a Bigger Leader


When we study on abilities we learn, of well simplist form, that ability is the set of knowledge, abilities and attitudes. If we go to the  dictionary we can verify that the attitude is the way to proceed, to act, the behavior.

 Attendance,Organizacional Management

 When we study on abilities we learn, of well simplist form, that ability is the set of knowledge, abilities and attitudes. If we go to the  dictionary we can verify that the attitude is the way to proceed, to act, the behavior.

Thus being, we can affirm that the part most important of the ability its in our position. When the companies elaborate its pictures of abilities essences, those that represent its mission, principles and values, there see a series of earnings of the organization in relation its collaborators: enterprising capacity, focus in results, taking of decision, negotiation, leadership, creativity and as much others.

But, an important question fits: it will be that these abilities are really essential? If to consider the attitude as basic principle of the ability, the waited behaviors would not have more to be valued? Evident that we need professionals with focus in results, skillful negotiators, creative, enterprising, that they know to work under pressure, but we urgently need leaders with behaviors that impactem more significantly in the businesses or, at least, to give to the abilities accented connotations more.

We would have to try, in our companies, people capable to be:

* Humble 

Humble not just to learn, unprovided of arrogance that the learning, humble only blocks to hear and to understand, humble to focus main and accessory, humble it not to share the knowledge, humble to understand that the weight biggest of the existence not to be in HAVING and yes in the BEING. And is good that if it does not forget that humbleness is a virtue.

* Intelligent 

Intelligence that goes beyond the capacity diagnosising, to foresee scenes future, to analyze situations for different angles, that go even though beyond the ability interacting with the most diverse people, controlling impulses, to express feelings. She is necessary to sharpen intelligence spiritual, not in the direction of religiosity, but the intelligence that searchs the illumination, that searchs the wisdom, a directed intelligence to be better. As Mahatma Gandhi it wrote: "When an only man arrives at the fullness of the love, it neutralizes the hatred of many millions"

* Responsible 

Not it responsibility demanded for the companies, who we are not more of the one than obligation, but responsibility for each said word, for each revealed gesture, each taken action, commentaries made for the coasts, would say more, responsibility even for our thoughts. We learn in the science that no energy if loses, all are changedded. Then, why not to place in our daily relations something that is not taught in books and nor in the schools, a little of pleasantness in the behavior, all the moments, all the levels, daily and for the entire life?

* Human being 

We are human beings, we possess intelligence that in them makes superiors to other beings livings creature. The proper word human being always is associated with the goodness, to the benevolence. Then, a great leader must HUMAN BEING.

Somebody that either capable to love fully without being servile, somebody that the pardon understands and practises, that either capable to fully hear the other in a delivery attitude, that can act for internal certainty, to be sensible without to be piegas, capable to act with ethics and respect, capable to celebrate the victories and conquests unconditionally and for an obligatory one not to have, capable to review its values, capable to change its thoughts, capable to carry through a intramudança, capable to give to the light itself exactly. It is important to know that the attitude, crucial point of the ability, depends exclusively on the individual.


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