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 A Helpful Book Report Example



Have you been assigned a book report that is left to a bit confused and frustrated about how one where to begin? .  Perhaps seeing a book report example would be just the ticket to help you get up and running.


helpful book report example

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Have you been assigned a book report that is left to a bit confused and frustrated about how one where to begin? .  Perhaps seeing a book report example would be just the ticket to help you get up and running.  Well, instead of quitting and tossing the book, the notebook, the PC across the room, take a look at some examples, book report examples:


One tried-and-true method of learning is imitation.  I don’t mean COPYING (which is not too ethical and will usually get you get you in hot water…cause somebody always catches on). What I'm talking about is how someone else performed the task. The techniques and styles that worked best. Things such as length, first or third person narrative and other such distinctions.  Here's a few folks that I think if you go to for the help you need:

The first place to start is with the instructor that assigned the book report, or a teacher you consider a mentor.

Ask friends, parents, or your brothers and sisters who have already done the assignment and knows what it takes.  But remember, never, ever copy someone else's work.

Ask a librarian for book report examples, perhaps how-to books would be beneficial.  Be sure to distinguish between the report and the review for whomever you ask.


These are some other pieces where book report examples can be had:

How to Write Terrific Book Reports, by Elizabeth James – A Student Survival Guide, this book spells out a clear definition/description of a book report, a chapter on how to decide which book to read, a chapter on using library resources, and many more chapters on how to get the most out of the book to the inland. Other discussions include how to get organized, writing drafts, and even doing oral reports.  This book also has four pages of sample book reports which are incredibly helpful because they give concrete example of effective book reports.

How to Write Book Reports, by Dawn B. Sova and Harry Teitelbaum – a step-by-step book on authoring reports, identifying the distinctions between reports and reviews, qualifications of reviewers, note-taking for reports, and many more easy to follow guidelines.  This book also contains several sample reports and reviews.


The very same way you would for any type of school assignment you may have, when you are accessing book report examples on the internet, carefully review the sites to make sure that they're up to snuff, affective sites.  That is, avoid the wacko pages or sites that are hostile, that use illegal methods, or that are just weak, inferior, or useless to you.  (A number of guides on how to find credible sources online are available through your library, your school, and online.)  You know that went from a good one when you see them, but just the same here are some of the keepers: – has a special section called “Reading Matters.” –has a section with teen reviews (which as of this writing numbered 622 book reviews). – offers a recommended book of the month (and rational for the recommendation), as well as a whole bevy of book reviews.

More than that, you can find a form for an Example Reading Report at -- which will give you a point by point checklist of things that should be included in your book report.

Whichever way you decide to go, remember to be your own reporter in the end shall go with something that you care about, the book that elicits passion… threw out the process of reading and writing.  That is, squeeze as much fun as you possibly can out of it since you have to do the assignment anyway.


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